Niche is the New Black

Niche is the New Black

You know which clients you want to service but are ALL your clients worth serving? It makes a lot of sense in professional firms and business to keep your clients and to create ‘lifetime’ clients. But it may pay to narrow your target market or niche – i.e. the clients...
Like a Man With a Fork in a World of Soup

Like a Man With a Fork in a World of Soup

That’s the famous quote by Oasis songwriter Noel Gallagher which could well describe a future bookkeeper without the skills for a ‘new’ future. Bookkeepers and accounting technicians may not be made irrelevant by robots and sophisticated accounting software packs but...
Perfect Your Pitch

Perfect Your Pitch

Sam Leon knows about selling. He cut his teeth in insurance and now runs an online magazine MANSAM. He says selling is the one skill that professionals such as bookkeepers and accountants are sorely lacking. He also says that most sales techniques don’t work. “No...
The Shopping Cart approach to Fees

The Shopping Cart approach to Fees

“Do you want French fries with that?” is, famously, the question asked by MacDonald’s sales staff. Not many bookkeepers would even contemplate asking a similar question. Accounting software vendors on the other hand, have perfected the art of offering a virtual...
Walk a mile in their (your customer’s) shoes

Walk a mile in their (your customer’s) shoes

We’ve always been a strong advocate of standing in the shoes of the customer and, sometimes, it can be a very painful exercise. You know the line, “Walk a mile in my shoes”. Consider a bookkeeper’s story about a client, Jemma, a baker producing artisan bread. Jemma...

Benefits of Becoming a Virtual Bookkeeper

In recent years we have seen a shift of focus within the bookkeeping and accounting industry. The words “cloud” and “virtual” have become buzz words, and more and more bookkeeping professionals have been looking to use technology as a way to make their firms more...